Friday, April 29, 2016

Your account have a problem

  Dear client, we are sorry, but could not send your last message!    For more information please see this page  Reference: 666008    Please note that this message was sent to the following e-mail address:  Please do not reply to this message.  

Second Reminder - Unpaid Invoice

We wrote to you recently reminding you of the outstanding amount of $6227.31 for Invoice number #CA0831, but it appears to remain unpaid.
For details please check invoice attached to this mail


Lora Case
Vice Preside

Thursday, April 28, 2016

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RE: Outstanding Account

This is a reminder that your account balance of $8340.24 was overdue as of 21 April 2016.
Enclosed is a statement of account for your reference.

Please arrange payment of this account today or, if you cannot make full payment at this time, please contact us to make a payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.


Danielle Vargas
Technical Sales Manager Power Generation

Have a nice day



FW: Invoice

Please find attached invoice #778829

Have a nice day

Arline Tillman
Chief Executive Officer