Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pains At An Acute Appendicitis Are Constant, Sometimes

Pains at an acute appendicitis are constant, sometimes amplifying-, their intensity is not so great, and them, as a rule, is not present. At the same time at a strong stretching - a shoot ( a shoot) pains can reach the big intensity, become pulsing, pulling. In that case at shoot rupture at first pains - decrease a little-, then amplify at the expense of peritonitis progressing. There is a certain conformity between intensity of pains and degree of inflammatory changes in a shoot. Full parallelism between intensity of pains and morphological changes in a wall a shoot can not be. Moreover, with the beginning of a gangrene of a shoot and inevitable thus its nervous device of a pain abate. On the contrary, at perforation a pain shoot can amplify suddenly sharply. The nausea appears soon after the beginning of pains, can - be accompanied by unitary vomiting. The chair delay happens often from the very beginning of disease owing to intestines. Occurrence of the diarrhoeia especially accompanied - by frequent painful desires on an excrement , can be at an arrangement a shoot, when it the top to a rectum wall.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Anamnesis. At Interrogation At 80 % Of

The anamnesis. At interrogation at 80 % of patients it is possible to establish presence of pains in right areas in the past, to find out presence of a symptom of moving of pains. The general symptoms - weakness, an indisposition, appetite loss are expressed slightly in the disease beginning. At peritonitis development the general condition of patients the heavy. The body temperature is usually raised to 37,2-37,6 �, sometimes accompanied by a fever. The pulse rate is increased, but corresponds to a body temperature. With the peritonitis beginning this conformity is broken. Language is imposed, in the beginning damp, with peritonitis development becomes dry. Stomach survey. At breath the right half lags behind from left, sometimes there is an asymmetry of a stomach owing to pressure of muscles. At an appendicitis the right half of stomach does not participate in the breath certificate. Superficial a stomach. It carry out for the purpose of - definition of pressure of muscles and painful zones.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Appears Serous Which Then Becomes Purulent-. Extending On

Appears serous which then becomes purulent-. Extending on , process gets character of the poured purulent peritonitis. At a favorable current - of disease from fibrin which sticks together loops of guts and an epiploon drops out, delimiting the inflammation centre. Similar - around a shoot name appendiku-ljarnym . can resolve or -. At a suppuration it is formed an abscess which can break in a - free belly cavity (that conducts to the poured peritonitis), in a gut, in space, can and conduct to . It is very rare such abscess can - break outside through a forward belly wall. At abscess break in the space arises a phlegmon zabrju-shinnoj . Rare complication is (a thrombophlebitis - veins) with the subsequent development of abscesses in a liver fabric. reveal at 0,05 % sick of an acute appendicitis. Classification (on Century And Kolesov) 1. . 2. Idle time (superficial, ) an appendicitis. 3. A destructive appendicitis: , , . 4. The complicated appendicitis: , an abscess, poured a purulent peritonitis, other complications of an acute appendicitis (, a sepsis, etc.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

In A - Shoot Gleam - At An

In a - shoot gleam - at an inflammation there is a pus. If outflow from a shoot is completely blocked, in its closed cavity pus accumulates - is formed a shoot at which it has the form, sharply strained. At histologic research changed a shoot well considerably a thickening of its wall, a bad differentiation of layers, with their expressed . On a mucous membrane are visible . The following stage of process is an appendicitis - at which occurs sites of a wall or all a shoot. The gangrenoznyj appendicitis is a consequence of a thrombosis of vessels a shoot. In a belly cavity serous or purulent , it is frequent with a sharp unpleasant smell. The shoot has is dirty-green colour, but is more often outside changes it is not visible. Is available a mucous membrane which can be amazed on all - extent or on separate sites, more often in departments. At histologic research define layers of a wall of a shoot, a hemorrhage in its wall. At an appendicitis there is an involving in inflammatory process surrounding a shoot of bodies and fabrics.