Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Anamnesis. At Interrogation At 80 % Of

The anamnesis. At interrogation at 80 % of patients it is possible to establish presence of pains in right areas in the past, to find out presence of a symptom of moving of pains. The general symptoms - weakness, an indisposition, appetite loss are expressed slightly in the disease beginning. At peritonitis development the general condition of patients the heavy. The body temperature is usually raised to 37,2-37,6 �, sometimes accompanied by a fever. The pulse rate is increased, but corresponds to a body temperature. With the peritonitis beginning this conformity is broken. Language is imposed, in the beginning damp, with peritonitis development becomes dry. Stomach survey. At breath the right half lags behind from left, sometimes there is an asymmetry of a stomach owing to pressure of muscles. At an appendicitis the right half of stomach does not participate in the breath certificate. Superficial a stomach. It carry out for the purpose of - definition of pressure of muscles and painful zones.