Saturday, November 29, 2008

In The Blood Analysis It Is Defined Moderated

In the blood analysis it is defined moderated (10 12-109/, or 10000 - 12000), insignificant increase . In the analysis of urine of changes is not present. Flegmonoznyj appendicitis. Constant intensive pains in right areas, a nausea, sometimes vomiting are characteristic. The general condition of the patient changes - there is a feeling of an indisposition, weakness. Stomach survey allows to establish that its right half lags behind at breath the left. The body temperature - is raised to 38 - 38,5�, pulse becomes frequent according to temperature to 80 90 in a minute Language damp, is imposed by white touch. At a stomach in right areas - considerable morbidity and accurately expressed pressure of muscles. At thin brawny people as a result of pressure of muscles it is possible to notice asymmetry of a stomach - the navel is a little displaced to the right The positive symptom of ShChetkina - Bljumberga (in right areas) is distinctly defined that testifies to a local peritonitis, and other symptoms, characteristic for an acute appendicitis (Voskresensky, Rovzinga, Sitkovsky, Bartome - Mihelsona, Is exemplary).