Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pains At An Acute Appendicitis Are Constant, Sometimes

Pains at an acute appendicitis are constant, sometimes amplifying-, their intensity is not so great, and them, as a rule, is not present. At the same time at a strong stretching - a shoot ( a shoot) pains can reach the big intensity, become pulsing, pulling. In that case at shoot rupture at first pains - decrease a little-, then amplify at the expense of peritonitis progressing. There is a certain conformity between intensity of pains and degree of inflammatory changes in a shoot. Full parallelism between intensity of pains and morphological changes in a wall a shoot can not be. Moreover, with the beginning of a gangrene of a shoot and inevitable thus its nervous device of a pain abate. On the contrary, at perforation a pain shoot can amplify suddenly sharply. The nausea appears soon after the beginning of pains, can - be accompanied by unitary vomiting. The chair delay happens often from the very beginning of disease owing to intestines. Occurrence of the diarrhoeia especially accompanied - by frequent painful desires on an excrement , can be at an arrangement a shoot, when it the top to a rectum wall.