Monday, September 29, 2008

The Most Constant And Obligatory Symptom Of An

The most constant and obligatory symptom of an acute appendicitis are the pains caused - by irritation of the nervous terminations in a shoot. Disease begins with this symptom. In the beginning of an attack of an acute appendicitis of a pain are felt in areas, about a navel ( a pain), and in process of disease development move in right area (a symptom of moving of pains of Kohera - Volkovicha). - Localisation of pains corresponds to the location inflamed a shoot, therefore they can be felt not only in right areas, but also in the field of a navel, in the bottom of a stomach (at a shoot arrangement), in lumbar area (at a shoot arrangement) (a somatic pain). Quite often from the very beginning of a pain attack are localised in right areas. At progressing of inflammatory - process and occurrence a peritonitis accurate localisation of pains is lost, the zone of their distribution - increases, they cover all stomach. For an acute appendicitis sudden occurrence of the pains which intensity progresses in process of development of inflammatory changes in a shoot is characteristic.