Tuesday, January 8, 2008

At On Left To A Side Morbidity In

At on left to a side morbidity in right areas sharply increases in position of the patient (a symptom of Bartome - - Mihelsona) as loops of guts and an epiploon depart to the left that does a shoot well accessible for . At right areas in position - of the patient on a back morbidity amplifies at the patient of the straightened right foot (a symptom It is exemplary). In the blood analysis reveal - increase in quantity of leukocytes-, shift formulas to the left, up to occurrence of young forms and (at destructive forms of an acute appendicitis). The Blood test gets especially important diagnostic value at dynamic supervision over the patient-, it allows to judge character of development of pathological process. In the urine analysis usually do not reveal any deviations from norm In urine can appear and leukocytes at an arrangement a shoot or - its diligence to a bladder owing to transition to it of inflammatory process. At patients with an acute appendicitis it is necessary to carry out and research; them increases at shoot position.