Friday, August 22, 2008

On - There Are Hemorrhages, It Is Covered

On - there are hemorrhages, it is covered for a short while-. Loops of guts and an epiploon are accustomed to drinking among themselves. For development an appendicitis not necessarily - occurrence forms of an inflammation, the leader to a thrombosis of vessels of a wall of a shoot (a secondary gangrene). At a thrombosis or sharply expressed angiospasm a shoot can occur at once it (a primary gangrene), occasionally accompanied by shoot self-amputation. Purulent fusion of sites of a wall a shoot at an appendicitis or at - lead to its perforation, i.e. To development an appendicitis - at which shoot contents stream in a belly cavity that conducts to development of the limited or poured peritonitis. Thus, distinctive feature - an appendicitis is presence of through defect of a wall of a shoot. Thus histologic changes in a shoot correspond or - to an appendicitis. Clinic and diagnostics: the clinical picture of an acute appendicitis is characterised by the big variety that is connected . only with the disease form, but also with features of localisation a shoot, presence or absence of complications by reactance of an organism of the patient.