Monday, December 8, 2008

Fekality Find Out Almost In 40 % Sick

Fekality find out almost in 40 % sick of a simple appendicitis, at 65 % of patients with a destructive appendicitis and at 99 % sick an appendicitis. At obstruction department a shoot in it parts slime secretion that leads to substantial increase in-prosvetnogo pressure and to blood circulation infringement in a wall a shoot proceeds. Dysfunction nervously-reguljatornogo the device leads to a spasm of muscles and vessels a shoot. As a result of infringements in a shoot there is a hypostasis of its wall. The bulked up mucous membrane closes a mouth - a shoot, contents accumulating in it it, presses on a shoot wall, even more breaking it . The Mucous membrane as a result of it loses stability in relation to microbes which always are in its gleam (an intestinal stick, , streptococci, and other microbes). They take root into a wall a shoot-, and there is an inflammation. The acute appendicitis is, , nonspecific inflammatory process. When inflammatory process grasps all thickness of a wall a shoot, surrounding fabrics are involved in process-.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

In The Blood Analysis It Is Defined Moderated

In the blood analysis it is defined moderated (10 12-109/, or 10000 - 12000), insignificant increase . In the analysis of urine of changes is not present. Flegmonoznyj appendicitis. Constant intensive pains in right areas, a nausea, sometimes vomiting are characteristic. The general condition of the patient changes - there is a feeling of an indisposition, weakness. Stomach survey allows to establish that its right half lags behind at breath the left. The body temperature - is raised to 38 - 38,5�, pulse becomes frequent according to temperature to 80 90 in a minute Language damp, is imposed by white touch. At a stomach in right areas - considerable morbidity and accurately expressed pressure of muscles. At thin brawny people as a result of pressure of muscles it is possible to notice asymmetry of a stomach - the navel is a little displaced to the right The positive symptom of ShChetkina - Bljumberga (in right areas) is distinctly defined that testifies to a local peritonitis, and other symptoms, characteristic for an acute appendicitis (Voskresensky, Rovzinga, Sitkovsky, Bartome - Mihelsona, Is exemplary).

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Most Constant And Obligatory Symptom Of An

The most constant and obligatory symptom of an acute appendicitis are the pains caused - by irritation of the nervous terminations in a shoot. Disease begins with this symptom. In the beginning of an attack of an acute appendicitis of a pain are felt in areas, about a navel ( a pain), and in process of disease development move in right area (a symptom of moving of pains of Kohera - Volkovicha). - Localisation of pains corresponds to the location inflamed a shoot, therefore they can be felt not only in right areas, but also in the field of a navel, in the bottom of a stomach (at a shoot arrangement), in lumbar area (at a shoot arrangement) (a somatic pain). Quite often from the very beginning of a pain attack are localised in right areas. At progressing of inflammatory - process and occurrence a peritonitis accurate localisation of pains is lost, the zone of their distribution - increases, they cover all stomach. For an acute appendicitis sudden occurrence of the pains which intensity progresses in process of development of inflammatory changes in a shoot is characteristic.

Friday, August 22, 2008

On - There Are Hemorrhages, It Is Covered

On - there are hemorrhages, it is covered for a short while-. Loops of guts and an epiploon are accustomed to drinking among themselves. For development an appendicitis not necessarily - occurrence forms of an inflammation, the leader to a thrombosis of vessels of a wall of a shoot (a secondary gangrene). At a thrombosis or sharply expressed angiospasm a shoot can occur at once it (a primary gangrene), occasionally accompanied by shoot self-amputation. Purulent fusion of sites of a wall a shoot at an appendicitis or at - lead to its perforation, i.e. To development an appendicitis - at which shoot contents stream in a belly cavity that conducts to development of the limited or poured peritonitis. Thus, distinctive feature - an appendicitis is presence of through defect of a wall of a shoot. Thus histologic changes in a shoot correspond or - to an appendicitis. Clinic and diagnostics: the clinical picture of an acute appendicitis is characterised by the big variety that is connected . only with the disease form, but also with features of localisation a shoot, presence or absence of complications by reactance of an organism of the patient.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Pain Results From Concussion Inflamed , I.e.

The pain results from concussion inflamed , i.e. Testifies to its involving in pathological process, without being patognomo-nichnym an acute appendicitis symptom. The symptom of ShChetkina - Bljumberga can be very poorly expressed at an arrangement a shoot. The symptom Razdolsky - morbidity at over the inflammation centre, results from concussion inflamed . Symptom of Rovzinga - occurrence of pains in right areas at drawing of pushes in left areas in a zone of a descending gut. A sigmovidnuju gut thus press down a - brush of other hand to a back wall of a stomach. The mechanism - of a symptom of Rovzinga connect with moving of gases on a thick gut and a stretching them of a blind gut, and also with - moving (at pushes) an internal and displacement thus changed a shoot and a blind gut. Change of position of a body of the patient - turn from a back on the left side also causes pains in right areas at an acute appendicitis that is connected with displacement of a blind gut and a shoot, a tension inflamed (a symptom Sitkovsky).

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

At On Left To A Side Morbidity In

At on left to a side morbidity in right areas sharply increases in position of the patient (a symptom of Bartome - - Mihelsona) as loops of guts and an epiploon depart to the left that does a shoot well accessible for . At right areas in position - of the patient on a back morbidity amplifies at the patient of the straightened right foot (a symptom It is exemplary). In the blood analysis reveal - increase in quantity of leukocytes-, shift formulas to the left, up to occurrence of young forms and (at destructive forms of an acute appendicitis). The Blood test gets especially important diagnostic value at dynamic supervision over the patient-, it allows to judge character of development of pathological process. In the urine analysis usually do not reveal any deviations from norm In urine can appear and leukocytes at an arrangement a shoot or - its diligence to a bladder owing to transition to it of inflammatory process. At patients with an acute appendicitis it is necessary to carry out and research; them increases at shoot position.